Source code for pyActLearn.CASAS.stat_features

import abc
import logging
import numpy as np
from ..logging import logging_name

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# region Abstract FeatureRoutineTemplate Class
[docs]class FeatureRoutineTemplate(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Feature Routine Class A routine that calculate statistical features every time the window slides. Attributes: name (:obj:`str`): Feature routine name. description (:obj:`str`): Feature routine description. enabled (:obj:`str`): Feature routine enable flag. """ def __init__(self, name, description, enabled=True): """ Initialization of Template Class :return: """ # Name = name # Description self.description = description # enable self.enabled = enabled @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def update(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info): """Abstract update method For some features, we will update some statistical data every time we move forward a data record, instead of going back through the whole window and try to find the answer. This function will be called every time we advance in data record. Args: data_list (:obj:`list`): List of sensor data. cur_index (:obj:`int`): Index of current data record. window_size (:obj:`int`): Sliding window size. sensor_info (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary containing sensor index information. """ return NotImplementedError()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear Internal Data Structures if recalculation is needed """ return NotImplementedError()
# endregion # region Abstract FeatureTemplate Class
[docs]class FeatureTemplate(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Statistical Feature Template Args: name (:obj:`str`): Feature name. description (:obj:`str`): Feature description. per_sensor (:obj:`bool`): If the feature is calculated for each sensor. enabled (:obj:`bool`): If the feature is enabled. routine (:obj:`.FeatureRoutineTemplate`): Routine structure. normalized (:obj:`bool`): If the value of feature needs to be normalized. Attributes: name (:obj:`str`): Feature name. description (:obj:`str`): Feature description. index (:obj:`int`): Feature index. normalized (:obj:`bool`): If the value of feature needs to be normalized. per_sensor (:obj:`bool`): If the feature is calculated for each sensor. enabled (:obj:`bool`): If the feature is enabled. routine (:obj:`.FeatureRoutineTemplate`): Routine structure. _is_value_valid (:obj:`bool`): If the value calculated is valid """ def __init__(self, name, description, enabled=True, normalized=True, per_sensor=False, routine=None): = name self.description = description self.index = -1 self.normalized = normalized self.per_sensor = per_sensor self.enabled = enabled self._is_value_valid = False # update Routine # For some feature, we will update statistical data every time we move forward # a data record. Instead of going back through previous window, the update function # in this routine structure will be called each time we advance to next data record self.routine = routine @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """Abstract method to get feature value Args: data_list (:obj:`list`): List of sensor data. cur_index (:obj:`int`): Index of current data record. window_size (:obj:`int`): Sliding window size. sensor_info (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary containing sensor index information. sensor_name (:obj:`str`): Sensor Name. Returns: :obj:`double`: feature value """ return NotImplementedError()
@property def is_value_valid(self): """Statistical feature value valid check Due to errors and failures of sensors, the statistical feature calculated may go out of bound. This abstract method is used to check if the value calculated is valid. If not, it will not be inserted into feature vectors. Returns: :obj:`bool`: True if the result is valid. """ return self._is_value_valid
# endregion
[docs]class EventHour(FeatureTemplate): """Hour of last event.rst. It returns the hour of last sensor event.rst in the sliding window. If ``normalized`` is set to ``True``, the hour is divided by 24, so that the value is bounded between 0 to 1. Args: normalized (:obj:`bool`): If true, the hour is normalized between 0 to 1. """ def __init__(self, normalized=False): super().__init__(name='lastEventHour', description='Time of the last sensor event.rst in window (hour)', normalized=normalized, per_sensor=False, enabled=True, routine=None)
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """Get the hour when the last sensor event.rst in the window occurred Note: Please refer to :meth:`~.FeatureTemplate.get_feature_value` for information about parameters. """ self._is_value_valid = True if self.normalized: return np.float(data_list[cur_index]['datetime'].hour)/24 else: return np.float(data_list[cur_index]['datetime'].hour)
[docs]class EventSeconds(FeatureTemplate): """Seconds of last event.rst. The time of the hour (in seconds) of the last sensor event.rst in the window. If ``normalized`` is ``True``, the seconds is divided by 3600. Args: normalized (:obj:`bool`): If true, the hour is normalized between 0 to 1. """ def __init__(self, normalized=False): super().__init__( name='lastEventSeconds', description='Time of the last sensor event.rst in window in seconds', normalized=normalized, per_sensor=False, enabled=True, routine=None)
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """Get the time within an hour when the last sensor event.rst in the window occurred (in seconds) Note: Please refer to :meth:`~.FeatureTemplate.get_feature_value` for information about parameters. """ self._is_value_valid = True time = data_list[cur_index]['datetime'] if self.normalized: return np.float((time.minute * 60) + time.second)/3600 else: return np.float((time.minute * 60) + time.second)
[docs]class WindowDuration(FeatureTemplate): """Length of the window. Any sliding window should have a duration of less than half a day. If it is, it is probable that there some missing sensor events, so the statistical features calculated for such a window is invalid. Args: normalized (:obj:`bool`): If true, the hour is normalized between 0 to 1. """ def __init__(self, normalized=False): super().__init__(name='windowDuration', description='Duration of current window in seconds', normalized=normalized, per_sensor=False, enabled=True, routine=None)
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """Get the duration of the window in seconds. Invalid if the duration is greater than half a day. Note: Please refer to :meth:`~.FeatureTemplate.get_feature_value` for information about parameters. """ self._is_value_valid = True timedelta = data_list[cur_index]['datetime'] - data_list[cur_index - window_size + 1]['datetime'] window_duration = timedelta.total_seconds() if window_duration > 3600 * 12: self._is_value_valid = False # Window Duration is greater than a day - not possible # print('Warning: curIndex: %d; windowSize: %d; windowDuration: %f' % # (curIndex, windowSize, window_duration)) window_duration -= 3600 * 12 * (int(window_duration) / (3600 * 12)) # print('Fixed window duration %f' % window_duration) if data_list[cur_index]['datetime'].month != data_list[cur_index - 1]['datetime'].month or \ data_list[cur_index]['datetime'].day != data_list[cur_index - 1]['datetime'].day: date_advanced = (data_list[cur_index]['datetime'] - data_list[cur_index - 1]['datetime']).days hour_advanced = data_list[cur_index]['datetime'].hour - data_list[cur_index - 1]['datetime'].hour logger.warning(logging_name(self) + ': line %d - %d: %s' % (cur_index, cur_index + 1, data_list[cur_index - 1]['datetime'].isoformat())) logger.warning(logging_name(self) + ': Date Advanced: %d; hour gap: %d' % (date_advanced, hour_advanced)) if self.normalized: # Normalized to 12 hours return np.float(window_duration) / (3600 * 12) else: return np.float(window_duration)
[docs]class LastSensor(FeatureTemplate): """Sensor ID of the last sensor event.rst of the window. For algorithms like decision trees and hidden markov model, sensor ID can be directly used as features. However, in other algorithms such as multi-layer perceptron, or support vector machine, the sensor ID needs to be binary coded. Args: per_sensor (:obj:`bool`): True if the sensor ID needs to be binary coded. """ def __init__(self, per_sensor=False): super().__init__(name='lastSensorInWindow', description='Sensor ID in the current window', per_sensor=per_sensor, enabled=True, routine=None)
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """Get the sensor which fired the last event.rst in the sliding window. If it is configured as per-sensor feature, it returns 1 if the sensor specified triggers the last event.rst in the window. Otherwise returns 0. If it is configured as a non-per-sensor feature, it returns the index of the index corresponding to the dominant sensor name that triggered the last event.rst. Note: Please refer to :meth:`~.FeatureTemplate.get_feature_value` for information about parameters. """ self._is_value_valid = True sensor_label = data_list[cur_index]['sensor_id'] if self.per_sensor: if sensor_name is not None: if sensor_name == sensor_label: return 1 else: return 0 else: if sensor_info.get(sensor_label, None) is None: self._is_value_valid = False logger.warning(logging_name(self) + ': Cannot find sensor %s in sensor_info' % sensor_label) logger.debug(logging_name(self) + ': Available sensors are: ' + str(sensor_info.keys())) return 0 else: return sensor_info[sensor_label]['index']
class SensorCountRoutine(FeatureRoutineTemplate): """Routine to count occurance of each sensor Attributes: sensor_count (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary that counts the occurrance of each sensor """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( name='SensorCountRoutine', description='Count Occurrence of all sensors in current event.rst window', enabled=True ) # Dominant Sensor self.sensor_count = {} def update(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info): """Record the number of occurrence of each sensor in the sensor count dictionary. """ self.sensor_count = {} for sensor_label in sensor_info.keys(): if sensor_info[sensor_label]['enable']: self.sensor_count[sensor_label] = 0 for index in range(0, window_size): if data_list[cur_index - index]['sensor_id'] in self.sensor_count.keys(): self.sensor_count[data_list[cur_index - index]['sensor_id']] += 1 def clear(self): self.sensor_count = {} sensor_count_routine = SensorCountRoutine()
[docs]class SensorCount(FeatureTemplate): """Counts the occurrence of each sensor within the sliding window. The count of occurrence of each sensor is normalized to the length (total number of events) of the window if the ``normalized`` is set to True. Args: normalized (:obj:`bool`): If true, the count of each sensor is normalized between 0 to 1. """ def __init__(self, normalized=False): super().__init__(name='sensorCount', description='Number of Events in the window related to the sensor', normalized=normalized, per_sensor=True, enabled=True, routine=sensor_count_routine)
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """Counts the number of occurrence of the sensor specified in current window. """ count = self.routine.sensor_count.get(sensor_name, None) if count is None: logger.error(logging_name(self) + ': Cannot find sensor %s in sensor list' % sensor_name) self._is_value_valid = False else: self._is_value_valid = True if self.normalized: return float(count)/(window_size * 2) else: return float(count)
class SensorElapseTimeRoutine(FeatureRoutineTemplate): """Routine to record last occurrence of each sensor Attributes: sensor_fire_log (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary that record the last firing state of each sensor """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='SensorElapseTimeUpdateRoutine', description='Update Sensor Elapse Time for all enabled sensors', enabled=True) # Sensor Fire Log self.sensor_fire_log = {} def update(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info): """Record the number of occurrence of each sensor in the sensor count dictionary. """ if not self.sensor_fire_log: for sensor_label in sensor_info.keys(): self.sensor_fire_log[sensor_label] = data_list[cur_index - window_size + 1]['datetime'] for i in range(0, window_size): self.sensor_fire_log[data_list[cur_index - i]['sensor_id']] = data_list[cur_index - i]['datetime'] self.sensor_fire_log[data_list[cur_index]['sensor_id']] = data_list[cur_index]['datetime'] def clear(self): self.sensor_fire_log = {} sensor_elapse_time_routine = SensorElapseTimeRoutine()
[docs]class SensorElapseTime(FeatureTemplate): """The time elapsed since last firing (in seconds) """ def __init__(self, normalized=False): super().__init__(name='sensorElapseTime', description='Time since each sensor fired (in seconds)', normalized=normalized, per_sensor=True, enabled=True, routine=sensor_elapse_time_routine)
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """Get elapse time of specified sensor in seconds """ self._is_value_valid = True timedelta = data_list[cur_index]['datetime'] - self.routine.sensor_fire_log[sensor_name] sensor_duration = timedelta.total_seconds() if self.normalized: elapse_time = float(sensor_duration)/(12*3600) # If the sensor is not fired in past 12 hours, just round it up to 12 hours if elapse_time > 1: elapse_time = 1. return elapse_time else: return float(sensor_duration)
class DominantSensorRoutine(FeatureRoutineTemplate): """Routine to record the occurance of each sensor within the sliding window Attributes: dominant_sensor_list (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary that record the last firing state of each sensor """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='DominantSensorRoutine', description='DominantSensorUpdateRoutine', enabled=True) # Dominant Sensor self.dominant_sensor_list = {} def update(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info): """Calculate the dominant sensor of current window and store the name of the sensor in the dominant sensor array. The information is fetched by dominant sensor features. """ if cur_index < window_size: logger.warning(logging_name(self) + ': current index %d is smaller than window size %d.' % (cur_index, window_size)) sensor_count = {} for index in range(0, window_size): if data_list[cur_index - index]['sensor_id'] in sensor_count.keys(): sensor_count[data_list[cur_index - index]['sensor_id']] += 1 else: sensor_count[data_list[cur_index - index]['sensor_id']] = 1 # Find the Dominant one max_count = 0 for sensor_label in sensor_count.keys(): if sensor_count[sensor_label] > max_count: max_count = sensor_count[sensor_label] self.dominant_sensor_list[cur_index] = sensor_label def clear(self): self.dominant_sensor_list = {} dominant_sensor_routine = DominantSensorRoutine()
[docs]class DominantSensor(FeatureTemplate): """Dominant Sensor of current window. The sensor that fires the most amount of sensor event.rst in the current window. Args: per_sensor (:obj:`bool`): True if the sensor ID needs to be binary coded. """ def __init__(self, per_sensor=False): super().__init__(name='DominantSensor', description='Dominant Sensor in the window', normalized=True, per_sensor=per_sensor, enabled=True, routine=dominant_sensor_routine)
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """If per_sensor is True, returns 1 with corresponding sensor Id. otherwise, return the index of last sensor in the window """ self._is_value_valid = True dominant_sensor_label = self.routine.dominant_sensor_list.get(cur_index, None) if dominant_sensor_label is None: logger.warning(logging_name(self) + ': cannot find dominant sensor label for window index %d' % cur_index) if self.per_sensor: if sensor_name is not None: if sensor_name == dominant_sensor_label: return 1 else: return 0 else: return sensor_info[dominant_sensor_label]['index']
class DominantSensorPreviousWindow(FeatureTemplate): """Dominant Sensor of previous window. The sensor that fires the most amount of sensor event.rst in the current window. Args: per_sensor (:obj:`bool`): True if the sensor ID needs to be binary coded. """ def __init__(self, per_sensor=False): super().__init__(name='DominantSensorPreviousWindow', description='Dominant Sensor in the previous window', normalized=True, per_sensor=per_sensor, enabled=True, routine=dominant_sensor_routine) def get_feature_value(self, data_list, cur_index, window_size, sensor_info, sensor_name=None): """If per_sensor is True, returns 1 with corresponding sensor Id. otherwise, return the index of last sensor in the window """ dominant_sensor_label = self.routine.dominant_sensor_list.get([cur_index-1], None) if dominant_sensor_label is None: logger.warning(logging_name(self) + ': cannot find dominant sensor label for window index %d' % cur_index) if self.per_sensor: if sensor_name is not None: if sensor_name == dominant_sensor_label: return 1 else: return 0 else: return sensor_info[dominant_sensor_label]['index']