Source code for

import os
import math
import h5py
import pickle
import logging
import datetime
import xlsxwriter
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

from .home import CASASHome
from .stat_features import EventHour, EventSeconds, LastSensor, WindowDuration, \
                           SensorCount, DominantSensor, SensorElapseTime

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CASASData(object): r"""A class to load activity data from CASAS smart home datasets. The class load raw activity sensor events from CASAS smart home datasets. The class provides methods to pre-process the data for future learning algorithms for activity recognition. The pre-processed data can be exported to xlsx files for verification, and hdf5 file for faster read and search when evaluating a activity recognition algorithm. Args: path (:obj:`str`): path to a dataset directory, the dataset event.rst file for dataset in legacy format. Attributes: sensor_list (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary containing sensor information. activity_list (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary containing activity information. event_list (:obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`): List of data used to store raw events. x (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): 2D numpy array that contains calculated feature data. y (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): 2D numpy array that contains activity label corresponding to feature array data_path (:obj:`str`): path to data file. home (:class:`pyActLearn.CASAS.home.CASASHome`): :class:`CASAS.home.CASASHome` object that stores the home information associated with the dataset. is_legacy (:obj:`bool`): Defaults to False. If the dataset loaded is in legacy format or not. is_stat_feature (:obj:`bool`): Calculate statistical features or use raw data in ``x`` is_labeled (:obj:`bool`): If given dataset is labeled time_list (:obj:`list` of :class:`datetime.datetime`): Datetime of each entry in ``x``. Used for back annotation, and splitting dataset by weeks or days. feature_list (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary of statistical features used in statistical feature calculation routines (:obj:`dict`): Function routines that needs to run every time when calculating features. Excluded from pickling. num_enabled_features (:obj:`int`): Number of enabled features. num_static_features (:obj:`int`): Number of features related to window num_per_sensor_features (:obj:`int`): Number of features that needs to be calculated per enabled sensor events_in_window (:obj:`int`): Number of sensor events (or statistical features of a sliding window) grouped in a feature vector. """ def __init__(self, path): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if not os.path.exists(path): logger.error('Cannot find %s' % path) raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot find %s' % path) # Initialize Default Values self.x = None self.y = None self.is_labeled = True self.activity_list = {} self.sensor_list = {} self.event_list = [] self.events_in_window = 1 self.time_list = [] # Statistical Features and flag self.is_stat_feature = False self.max_window_size = 30 self.feature_list = {} self.routines = {} self.num_feature_columns = 0 self.num_static_features = 0 self.num_per_sensor_features = 0 # From which source to construct CASAS data if os.path.isdir(path): logger.debug('Load CASAS data from directory %s' % path) self.home = CASASHome(directory=path) self.is_legacy = False self.data_path = path # Populate sensor list, activity list with data from self.home for sensor in self.home.get_all_sensors(): self._add_sensor(sensor) for activity in self.home.get_all_activities(): self._add_activity(activity) # Load Events logger.debug('Load CASAS sensor events from %s' % self.data_path) self._load_events_from_dataset(os.path.join(path, './events.csv')) else: filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(path) if file_ext == '.pkl': # A pickle file - unpickle it - but if this is the case, user can directly # get the class from pickle.load function logger.debug('Load from pickle file %s' % path) else: self.home = None self.is_legacy = True self.data_path = ""
[docs] def populate_feature(self, method='raw', normalized=True, per_sensor=True): """Populate the feature vector in ``x`` and activities in `y` Args: method (:obj:`str`): The method to convert sensor events into feature vector. Available methods are ``'raw'`` and ``'stat'``. normalized (:obj:`bool`): Will each feature be normalized between 0 and 1? per_sensor (:obj:`bool`): For features related with sensor ID, are they """ if method == 'raw': self._calculate_raw_features(normalized, per_sensor) else: self._add_feature(EventHour(normalized=normalized)) self._add_feature(EventSeconds(normalized=normalized)) self._add_feature(LastSensor(per_sensor=per_sensor)) self._add_feature(WindowDuration(normalized=normalized)) self._add_feature(SensorCount(normalized=normalized)) self._add_feature(DominantSensor(per_sensor=per_sensor)) self._add_feature(SensorElapseTime(normalized=normalized)) self._calculate_stat_features()
# region PublicActivityRoutines
[docs] def get_activities_by_indices(self, activity_ids): """Get a group of activities by their corresponding indices Args: activity_ids (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`): A list of activity indices Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: A list of activity labels in the same order """ return [self.get_activity_by_index(cur_id) for cur_id in activity_ids]
[docs] def get_activity_by_index(self, activity_id): """Get Activity name by their index Args: activity_id (:obj:`int`): Activity index Returns: :obj:`str`: Activity label """ for activity_label in self.activity_list.keys(): if activity_id == self.activity_list[activity_label]['index']: return activity_label logger.error('Failed to find activity with index %d' % activity_id) return ""
[docs] def get_activity_index(self, activity_label): """Get Index of an activity Args: activity_label (:obj:`str`): Activity label Returns: :obj:`int`: Activity index (-1 if not found or not enabled) """ if activity_label in self.activity_list: return self.activity_list[activity_label]['index'] else: return -1
[docs] def get_enabled_activities(self): """Get label list of all enabled activities Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: list of activity labels """ enabled_activities_list = [] for activity_label in self.activity_list.keys(): if self.activity_list[activity_label]['enable']: enabled_activities_list.append(activity_label) return enabled_activities_list
[docs] def get_activity_color(self, activity_label): """Find the color string for the activity. Args: activity_label (:obj:`str`): activity label Returns: :obj:`str`: RGB color string """ if self.is_legacy: # Pick the color from color list based on the activity index activity_index = self.get_activity_index(activity_label) if activity_index >= 0: return self._COLORS[activity_index % len(self._COLORS)] else: return '#C8C8C8' # returns grey else: return self.home.get_activity_color(activity_label)
[docs] def enable_activity(self, activity_label): """Enable an activity Args: activity_label (:obj:`str`): Activity label Returns: :obj:`int`: The index of the enabled activity """ if activity_label in self.activity_list: logger.debug('Enable Activity %s' % activity_label) self.activity_list[activity_label]['enable'] = True self._assign_activity_indices() return self.activity_list[activity_label]['index'] else: logger.error('Activity %s not found' % activity_label) return -1
[docs] def disable_activity(self, activity_label): """Disable an activity Args: activity_label (:obj:`str`): Activity label """ if activity_label in self.activity_list: logger.debug('Disable Activity %s' % activity_label) self.activity_list[activity_label]['enable'] = False self.activity_list[activity_label]['index'] = -1 self._assign_activity_indices() else: logger.error('Activity %s not found' % activity_label)
# endregion # region PublicSensorRoutines
[docs] def enable_sensor(self, sensor_name): """Enable a sensor Args: sensor_name (:obj:`str`): Sensor Name Returns :obj:`int`: The index of the enabled sensor """ if sensor_name in self.sensor_list: logger.debug('Enable Sensor %s' % sensor_name) self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['enable'] = True self._assign_sensor_indices() return self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['index'] else: logger.error('Failed to find sensor %s' % sensor_name) return -1
[docs] def disable_sensor(self, sensor_name): """Disable a sensor Args: sensor_name (:obj:`str`): Sensor Name """ if sensor_name in self.sensor_list: logger.debug('Disable Sensor %s' % sensor_name) self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['enable'] = False self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['index'] = -1 self._assign_sensor_indices() else: logger.error('Failed to find sensor %s' % sensor_name)
[docs] def get_sensor_by_index(self, sensor_id): """Get the name of sensor by index Args: sensor_id (:obj:`int`): Sensor index Returns: :obj:`str`: Sensor name """ for sensor_name in self.sensor_list.keys(): if self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['index'] == sensor_id: return sensor_name logger.error('Failed to find sensor with index %d' % sensor_id) return ''
[docs] def get_sensor_index(self, sensor_name): """Get Sensor Index Args: sensor_name (:obj:`str`): Sensor Name Returns: :obj:`int`: Sensor index (-1 if not found or not enabled) """ if sensor_name in self.sensor_list: return self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['index'] else: return -1
[docs] def get_enabled_sensors(self): """Get the names of all enabled sensors Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: List of sensor names """ enabled_sensor_array = [] for sensor_label in self.sensor_list.keys(): if self.sensor_list[sensor_label]['enable']: enabled_sensor_array.append(sensor_label) return enabled_sensor_array
# endregion # region PublicFeatureRoutines
[docs] def get_feature_by_index(self, index): """Get Feature Name by Index Args: index (:obj:`int`): column index of feature Returns: :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`str`: (feature name, sensor name) tuple. If it is not per-sensor feature, the sensor name is None. """ max_id = self.num_feature_columns num_enabled_sensors = len(self.get_enabled_sensors()) if index > max_id: logger.error('index %d is greater than the number of feature columns %d' % (index, max_id)) if index >= self.num_static_features: # It is per_sensor Feature sensor_id = (index - self.num_static_features) % num_enabled_sensors feature_id = math.floor((index - self.num_static_features) / num_enabled_sensors) per_sensor = True else: # It is a generic feature sensor_id = -1 feature_id = index per_sensor = False # Find Corresponding feature name and sensor label feature_name = None for featureLabel in self.feature_list.keys(): feature = self.feature_list[featureLabel] if feature.index == feature_id and feature.per_sensor == per_sensor: feature_name = featureLabel break sensor_name = 'Window' if sensor_id >= 0: for sensor_label in self.sensor_list.keys(): sensor = self.sensor_list[sensor_label] if sensor['index'] == sensor_id: sensor_name = sensor_label break return feature_name, sensor_name
[docs] def get_feature_string_by_index(self, index): """Get the string describing the feature specified by column index Args: index (:obj:`int`): column index of feature Returns: :obj:`str`: Feature string """ # Check if it is a statistical feature if self.is_stat_feature: # It is stat feature feature_name, sensor_name = self.get_feature_by_index(index) if feature_name is None or sensor_name is None: logger.error('Failed to find feature/sensor name for feature %d - got (%s/%s)' % (index, str(feature_name), str(sensor_name))) return 'None' else: return sensor_name + ": " + feature_name else: # It is a windowed event.rst feature if self.x.shape[1] == 2 * self.events_in_window: # Sensor ID is presented as integer entry_num = int(index / 2) index_in_entry = index % 2 if index_in_entry == 0: return "-%d Entry: Time" % entry_num else: return "-%d Entry: Sensor ID" % entry_num else: # Sensor ID is presented as a binary array num_sensors = len(self.get_enabled_sensors()) entry_num = int(index / (num_sensors + 1)) index_in_entry = int(index % (num_sensors + 1)) if index_in_entry == 0: return "-%d Entry: Time" % entry_num else: return "-%d Entry: %s" % (entry_num, self.get_sensor_by_index(index_in_entry - 1))
# endregion # region PickleState def __getstate__(self): """Save x as sparse matrix if the density of x is smaller than 0.5 """ state = self.__dict__.copy() if self.x is not None: density_count = np.count_nonzero(self.x) density = float(density_count) / self.x.size if density < 0.5: state['x'] = sp.csr_matrix(state['x']) return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): """Set state from pickled file """ if sp.issparse(state['x']): state['x'] = state['x'].todense() self.__dict__.update(state) # endregion # region LoadFromFile def _load_events_from_legacy(self, filename): """Load CASAS data from annotated event.rst logs It loads sensor event.rst logs from legacy event.rst log txt file, and populate :obj:`event_list`. As legacy file does not come with information regarding the smart home, the procedure also adds populates :obj:`self.activity_list` and :obj:`self.sensor_list` as well. .. note:: This is a internal function that is not recommended for user to call directly. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): absolute path to file """ self.event_list = [] if os.path.isfile(filename): self.data_path = filename f = open(filename, 'r') line_number = 0 for line in f: line_number += 1 word_list = str(str(line).strip()).split() if len(word_list) > 3: # date, time, sensor ID, sensor status, annotated label date_list = word_list[0].split('-') time_list = word_list[1].split(':') sec_list = time_list[2].split('.') event_time = datetime.datetime(int(date_list[0]), int(date_list[1]), int(date_list[2]), int(time_list[0]), int(time_list[1]), int(sec_list[0]), int(sec_list[1])) cur_data_dict = { 'datetime': event_time, 'sensor_id': word_list[2], 'sensor_status': word_list[3], } self._add_sensor(cur_data_dict['sensor_id']) self.is_labeled = False if len(word_list) > 4: self.is_labeled = True # Add Corresponding Labels cur_data_dict['activity'] = word_list[4] self._add_activity(cur_data_dict['activity']) self.event_list.append(cur_data_dict) else: logger.error('Error parsing %s:%d' % (filename, line_number)) logger.error(' %s' % line) else: raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot find file %s' % filename) def _load_events_from_dataset(self, filename): """Load events from CASAS event.rst list in csv format It loads sensor event.rst logs from legacy event.rst log txt file, and populate :obj:`event_list`. .. note:: This is a internal function that is not recommended for user to call directly. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): path to ``event.rst.csv`` file in the dataset """ self.event_list = [] self.is_labeled = False sensors_notfound_list = {} sensor_list = self.home.get_all_sensors() if os.path.isfile(filename): f = open(filename, 'r') line_number = 0 for line in f: line_number += 1 word_list = str(str(line).strip()).split(',') if len(word_list) < 6: logger.error('Error parsing %s:%d' % (filename, line_number)) logger.error(' %s' % line) continue # date, time, sensor ID, sensor status, annotated label if '/' in word_list[0]: time_fmt = "%m/%d/%Y" else: time_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" time_fmt += " %H:%M:%S" if word_list[1][-1].upper() == 'M': time_fmt += " %p" event_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(word_list[0] + ' ' + word_list[1], time_fmt) # Remove OFF - no use if word_list[3] == "OFF": continue # Sensor Not Found if word_list[2] not in sensor_list: if word_list[2] not in sensors_notfound_list: sensors_notfound_list[word_list[2]] = 1 logger.warning('Sensor name %s not found in home metadata' % word_list[2]) sensors_notfound_list[word_list[2]] += 1 continue # Remove Continuous Firing # if len(self.event_list) > 0 and # word_list[2] == self.event_list[len(self.event_list) - 1]['sensor_id']: # continue cur_data_dict = { 'datetime': event_time, 'sensor_id': word_list[2], 'sensor_status': word_list[3], 'resident_name': word_list[4], 'activity': word_list[5] } if len(word_list[5]) > 0: self.is_labeled = True if not cur_data_dict['activity'] in self.activity_list: logger.warning('Activity %s not found in activity list. Added it now.' % cur_data_dict['activity']) self._add_activity(cur_data_dict['activity']) # Add Corresponding Labels self.event_list.append(cur_data_dict) else: logger.error('Cannot find data file %s\n' % filename) # endregion # region FeatureCalculation def _calculate_raw_features(self, normalized=True, per_sensor=True): """Populate the feature vector with raw sensor data Args: normalized (:obj:`bool`): Will each feature be normalized between 0 and 1? per_sensor (:obj:`bool`): For features related with sensor ID, are they """ num_events = len(self.event_list) events_in_window = self.events_in_window self.y = np.zeros((num_events - events_in_window + 1,)) self.time_list = [] if per_sensor: len_per_event = 1 + len(self.get_enabled_sensors()) else: len_per_event = 2 num_col = len_per_event * events_in_window self.x = np.zeros((num_events - events_in_window + 1, num_col)) for i in range(num_events - events_in_window + 1): self.y[i] = self.get_activity_index(self.event_list[i + events_in_window - 1]['activity']) for j in range(events_in_window): # Datetime is represented in seconds event_time = self.event_list[i + events_in_window - 1 - j]['datetime'] seconds = event_time.timestamp() - \ datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time.min).timestamp() if normalized: self.x[i, j*len_per_event] = seconds/(24*3600) else: self.x[i, j*len_per_event] = seconds # Sensor id sensor_index = self.get_sensor_index(self.event_list[i + events_in_window - 1 - j]['sensor_id']) if per_sensor: self.x[i, j * len_per_event + sensor_index + 1] = 1 else: self.x[i, j * len_per_event + 1] = sensor_index self.time_list.append(self.event_list[i + events_in_window - 1]['datetime']) return num_events def _calculate_stat_features(self): """Populate the feature vector with statistical features using sliding window """ num_feature_columns = self._count_feature_columns() num_feature_rows = self._count_samples() self.x = np.zeros((num_feature_rows, num_feature_columns), dtype=np.float) self.y = np.zeros(num_feature_rows, cur_row_id = self.max_window_size - 1 cur_sample_id = 0 # Execute feature update routine for (key, routine) in self.routines.items(): if routine.enabled: routine.clear() while cur_row_id < len(self.event_list): cur_sample_id += self._calculate_window_feature(cur_row_id, cur_sample_id) cur_row_id += 1 # Due to sensor event.rst discontinuity, the sample size will be smaller than the num_feature_rows calculated self.x = self.x[0:cur_sample_id, :] self.y = self.y[0:cur_sample_id] self.is_stat_feature = True logger.debug('Total amount of feature vectors calculated: %d' % cur_sample_id) def _count_samples(self): """Count the maximum possible samples in data_list """ num_events = len(self.event_list) if num_events < self.max_window_size - 1: logger.error('data size is %d smaller than window size %d' % (len(self.event_list), self.max_window_size)) return 0 num_sample = 0 if self.is_labeled: # If labeled, count enabled activity entry after the first # max_window_size event.rst for event in self.event_list: if num_sample < self.max_window_size + self.events_in_window - 2: num_sample += 1 else: """ ToDo: Need to check sensor enable status to make count sample count """ if self.activity_list[event['activity']]['enable']: num_sample += 1 num_sample -= self.max_window_size + self.events_in_window - 2 else: # If not labeled, we need to calculate for each window # and finally find which catalog it belongs to num_sample = num_events - self.max_window_size - self.events_in_window + 2 return num_sample def _calculate_window_feature(self, cur_row_id, cur_sample_id): """Calculate feature vector for current window specified by cur_row_id Args: cur_row_id (:obj:`int`): Row index of current window (last row) cur_sample_id (:obj:`int`): Row index of current sample in self.x Returns: :obj:`int`: number of feature vector added """ # Default Window Size to 30 window_size = self.max_window_size num_enabled_sensors = len(self.get_enabled_sensors()) # Skip current window if labeled activity is ignored if self.is_labeled: activity_label = self.event_list[cur_row_id]['activity'] window_size = self.activity_list[activity_label]['window_size'] if not self.activity_list[activity_label]['enable']: return 0 if cur_row_id > self.max_window_size - 1: if cur_sample_id == 0: for i in range(self.num_feature_columns * (self.events_in_window - 1)): self.x[cur_sample_id][self.num_feature_columns * self.events_in_window - i - 1] = \ self.x[cur_sample_id][self.num_feature_columns * (self.events_in_window - 1) - i - 1] else: for i in range(self.num_feature_columns * (self.events_in_window - 1)): self.x[cur_sample_id][self.num_feature_columns * self.events_in_window - i - 1] = \ self.x[cur_sample_id-1][self.num_feature_columns * (self.events_in_window - 1) - i - 1] # Execute feature update routine for (key, routine) in self.routines.items(): if routine.enabled: routine.update(data_list=self.event_list, cur_index=cur_row_id, window_size=window_size, sensor_info=self.sensor_list) # Get Feature Data and Put into arFeature array for (key, feature) in self.feature_list.items(): if feature.enabled: # If it is per Sensor index, we need to iterate through all sensors to calculate if feature.per_sensor: for sensor_name in self.sensor_list.keys(): if self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['enable']: column_index = self.num_static_features + \ feature.index * num_enabled_sensors + \ self.sensor_list[sensor_name]['index'] self.x[cur_sample_id][column_index] = \ feature.get_feature_value(data_list=self.event_list, cur_index=cur_row_id, window_size=window_size, sensor_info=self.sensor_list, sensor_name=sensor_name) else: self.x[cur_sample_id][feature.index] = \ feature.get_feature_value(data_list=self.event_list, cur_index=cur_row_id, window_size=window_size, sensor_info=self.sensor_list, sensor_name=None) if not feature.is_value_valid: return 0 if cur_row_id < self.max_window_size + self.events_in_window - 2: return 0 if self.is_labeled: self.y[cur_sample_id] = self.activity_list[self.event_list[cur_row_id]['activity']]['index'] self.time_list.append(self.event_list[cur_row_id]['datetime']) return 1 # endregion # region ExportToIntermediateFiles
[docs] def export_fuel(self, directory, break_by='week', comments=''): """Export feature and label vector into hdf5 file and store the class information in a pickle file Args: directory (:obj:`str`): The directory to save hdf5 and complementary dataset information break_by (:obj:`str`): Select the way to split the data, either by ``'week'`` or ``'day'`` comments (:obj:`str`): Additional comments to add """ try: from fuel.datasets.hdf5 import H5PYDataset except ImportError: logger.error('Failed to import H5PYDataset from fuel.') return if os.path.exists(directory): if os.path.isdir(directory): overwrite = ' ' while overwrite not in ['n', 'N', 'y', 'Y']: # ask if overwrite overwrite = input('Directory %s found. Overwrite? [Y/n] ' % directory) if overwrite == 'n' or overwrite == 'N': return elif overwrite == '': break else: logger.error('%s is not a directory. Abort.') return else: os.makedirs(directory) # Create HDF5 File f = h5py.File(directory + '/data.hdf5', mode='w') # Create features and targets array features = f.create_dataset('features', self.x.shape, dtype='float32') targets = f.create_dataset('targets', (self.y.shape[0], 1), dtype='uint8') features[...] = self.x targets[...] = self.y.reshape((self.y.shape[0], 1)) features.dims[0].label = 'batch' features.dims[1].label = 'feature' targets.dims[0].label = 'batch' targets.dims[1].label = 'index' # Find Split Locations if break_by == 'day': break_list = self._break_by_day() else: break_list = self._break_by_week() # Construct split dict split_dict = {} split_set = [] split_timearray = [] num_break_point = len(break_list) - 1 for i in range(num_break_point): start = break_list[i] stop = break_list[i + 1] split_name = break_by + ' ' + str(i) split_dict[split_name] = { 'features': (start, stop), 'targets': (start, stop) } split_set.append(split_name) split_timearray.append(self.time_list[start:stop]) f.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict=split_dict) # Save to file f.flush() f.close() # Save Complementary Information f = open(directory + '/info.pkl', 'wb') dataset_info = { 'index_to_activity': {i: self.get_activity_by_index(i) for i in range(len(self.get_enabled_activities()))}, 'index_to_feature': {i: self.get_feature_string_by_index(i) for i in range(self.x.shape[1])}, 'activity_info': self.activity_list, 'sensor_info': self.sensor_list, 'split_sets': split_set, 'split_timearray': split_timearray, 'comments': comments } pickle.dump(dataset_info, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close()
[docs] def export_hdf5(self, filename, comments='', bg_activity='Other_Activity', driver=None): """Export the dataset into a hdf5 dataset file with meta-data logged in attributes. To load the data, you can use :class:`pyActLearn.CASAS.h5py.CASASH5PY` class. Args: filename (:obj:`str`): The directory to save hdf5 and complementary dataset information. comments (:obj:`str`): Additional comments to add. bg_activity (:obj:`str`): Background activity label. driver (:obj:`str`): h5py dataset R/W driver. """ # Collect metadata feature_description = [ self.get_feature_string_by_index(feature_id) for feature_id in range(self.x.shape[1]) ] target_description = [ self.get_activity_by_index(activity_id) for activity_id in range(len(self.get_enabled_activities())) ] target_colors = [ self.get_activity_color(activity_name) for activity_name in target_description ] from .h5py import CASASH5PY casas_hdf5 = CASASH5PY(filename, mode='w', driver=driver) casas_hdf5.create_features(feature_array=self.x, feature_description=feature_description) casas_hdf5.create_targets(target_array=self.y, target_description=target_description, target_colors=target_colors) casas_hdf5.create_time_list(time_array=self.time_list) casas_hdf5.create_splits(days=self._break_by_day(), weeks=self._break_by_week()) casas_hdf5.create_comments(comments) casas_hdf5.create_sensors(sensors=[self.get_sensor_by_index(i) for i in range(len(self.get_enabled_sensors()))]) if bg_activity is not None: casas_hdf5.set_background_target(bg_activity) casas_hdf5.flush() casas_hdf5.close()
[docs] def write_to_xlsx(self, filename, start=0, end=-1): """Write to file in xlsx format Args: filename (:obj:`str`): xlsx file name. start (:obj:`int`): start index. end (:obj:`int`): end index. """ workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filename) # Dump Activities activity_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Activities") c = 0 for item in self.activity_list[list(self.activity_list.keys())[0]].keys(): activity_sheet.write(0, c, str(item)) c += 1 r = 1 for activity in self.activity_list.keys(): c = 0 for item in self.activity_list[activity].keys(): activity_sheet.write(r, c, str(self.activity_list[activity][item])) c += 1 r += 1 # Dump Sensors sensor_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Sensors") c = 0 for item in self.sensor_list[list(self.sensor_list.keys())[0]].keys(): sensor_sheet.write(0, c, str(item)) c += 1 r = 1 for sensor in self.sensor_list.keys(): c = 0 for item in self.sensor_list[sensor].keys(): sensor_sheet.write(r, c, str(self.sensor_list[sensor][item])) c += 1 r += 1 # Dump Calculated Features if self.is_stat_feature: # Feature Description Sheet feature_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Features') feature_list_title = ['name', 'index', 'enabled', 'per_sensor', 'description', 'routine'] for c in range(0, len(feature_list_title)): feature_sheet.write(0, c, str(feature_list_title[c])) r = 1 for feature in self.feature_list: feature_sheet.write(r, 0, str(self.feature_list[feature].name)) feature_sheet.write(r, 1, str(self.feature_list[feature].index)) feature_sheet.write(r, 2, str(self.feature_list[feature].enabled)) feature_sheet.write(r, 3, str(self.feature_list[feature].per_sensor)) feature_sheet.write(r, 4, str(self.feature_list[feature].description)) if self.feature_list[feature].routine is None: feature_sheet.write(r, 5, 'None') else: feature_sheet.write(r, 5, str(self.feature_list[feature] r += 1 # Dump Events if len(self.event_list) != 0: event_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Events') c = 0 for item in self.event_list[0].keys(): event_sheet.write(0, c, str(item)) c += 1 r = 1 for event in self.event_list[0:100]: c = 0 for item in event.keys(): event_sheet.write(r, c, str(event[item])) c += 1 r += 1 # Dump Data if self.x is not None: data_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Data') # Export self.x feature if self.is_stat_feature: data_sheet.write(0, 0, 'activity') # Calculate enabled sensor size num_sensors = len(self.get_enabled_sensors()) # Add Feature Title for feature_name in self.feature_list.keys(): if self.feature_list[feature_name].enabled: if self.feature_list[feature_name].per_sensor: # Calculate Start Position start_col = self.num_static_features + \ self.feature_list[feature_name].index * num_sensors + 1 data_sheet.merge_range(0, start_col, 0, start_col + num_sensors - 1, feature_name) else: data_sheet.write(0, self.feature_list[feature_name].index + 1, feature_name) for c in range(1, self.num_static_features + 1): data_sheet.write(1, c, 'window') for f in range(0, self.num_per_sensor_features): for sensor in self.sensor_list.keys(): start_col = f * num_sensors + self.num_static_features + self.sensor_list[sensor]['index'] + 1 data_sheet.write(1, start_col, sensor) # Add Data from Data Array r = 2 (num_samples, num_features) = self.x.shape if end == -1: end = num_samples if start < num_samples and start < end: for i in range(start, end): data_sheet.write(r, 0, str(self.y[i])) c = 1 for item in self.x[i]: data_sheet.write(r, c, str(item)) c += 1 r += 1 workbook.close()
# endregion # region Summary
[docs] def summary(self): """Print summary of loaded datasets """ print('Dataset Path: %s' % self.data_path) print('Sensors: %d' % len(self.sensor_list)) print('Sensors enabled: %d' % len(self.get_enabled_sensors())) print('Activities: %d' % len(self.activity_list)) print('Activities enabled: %d' % len(self.get_enabled_activities())) print('loaded events: %d' % len(self.event_list)) if self.x is not None: print('feature array: (%d, %d)' % (self.x.shape[0], self.x.shape[1])) print('activity array: (%d, )' % self.y.shape[0])
# endregion _COLORS = ('#b20000, #56592d, #acdae6, #cc00be, #591616, #d5d9a3, ' '#007ae6, #4d0047, #a67c7c, #2f3326, #00294d, #b35995, ' '#ff9180, #1c330d, #73b0e6, #f2b6de, #592400, #6b994d, ' '#1d2873, #ff0088, #cc7033, #50e639, #0000ff, #7f0033, ' '#e6c3ac, #00d991, #c8bfff, #592d3e, #8c5e00, #80ffe5, ' '#646080, #d9003a, #332200, #397367, #6930bf, #33000e, ' '#ffbf40, #3dcef2, #1c0d33, #8c8300, #23778c, #ba79f2, ' '#e6f23d, #203940, #302633').split(',') # region InternalActivityListManagement def _add_activity(self, label): """Add activity to :attr:`activity_list` Args: label (:obj:`str`): activity label Returns: :obj:`int`: activity index """ if label not in self.activity_list: logger.debug('add activity class %s' % label) if self.is_legacy: self.activity_list[label] = {'name': label} else: self.activity_list[label] = self.home.get_activity(label) if self.activity_list[label] is None: logger.warning('Failed to find information about activity %s' % label) self.activity_list[label] = {'name': label} self.activity_list[label]['index'] = -1 self.activity_list[label]['enable'] = True self.activity_list[label]['window_size'] = 30 self._assign_activity_indices() return self.activity_list[label]['index'] def _assign_activity_indices(self): """Assign index number to each activity enabled Returns: :obj:`int`: Number of enabled activities """ _enabled_activities_list = [] for label in self.activity_list.keys(): activity = self.activity_list[label] if activity['enable']: _enabled_activities_list.append(label) else: activity['index'] = -1 _enabled_activities_list.sort() i = 0 for label in _enabled_activities_list: self.activity_list[label]['index'] = i i += 1 num_enabled_activities = len(_enabled_activities_list) logger.debug('Finished assigning index to activities. %d Activities enabled' % num_enabled_activities) return num_enabled_activities # endregion # region InternalSensorListManagement def _add_sensor(self, name): """Add Sensor to :attr:`sensor_list` Args: name (:obj:`str`): sensor name Returns: (:obj:`int`): sensor index """ if name not in self.sensor_list: logger.debug('Add sensor %s to sensor list' % name) if self.is_legacy: self.sensor_list[name] = {'name': name} else: self.sensor_list[name] = self.home.get_sensor(name) if self.sensor_list[name] is None: logger.error('Failed to find information about sensor %s' % name) self.sensor_list[name] = {'name': name} self.sensor_list[name]['index'] = -1 self.sensor_list[name]['enable'] = True self.sensor_list[name]['lastFireTime'] = None self._assign_sensor_indices() return self.sensor_list[name]['index'] def _assign_sensor_indices(self): """Assign index to each enabled sensor Returns :obj:`int`: The number of enabled sensor """ sensor_id = 0 _enabled_sensor_list = [] for sensor_label in self.sensor_list.keys(): if self.sensor_list[sensor_label]['enable']: _enabled_sensor_list.append(sensor_label) else: self.sensor_list[sensor_label]['index'] = -1 _enabled_sensor_list.sort() for sensor_label in _enabled_sensor_list: self.sensor_list[sensor_label]['index'] = sensor_id sensor_id += 1 return sensor_id # endregion # region Stat Feature Routine Update Management def _add_routine(self, routine): """Add routine to feature update routine list Args: routine (:class:`pyActLearn.CASAS.stat_features.FeatureRoutineTemplate`): routine to be added """ if in self.routines.keys(): logger.debug('feature routine %s already existed.' % else: logger.debug('Add feature routine %s: %s' % (, routine.description)) self.routines[] = routine
[docs] def disable_routine(self, routine): """ Disable a routine Check all enabled feature list and see if the routine is used by other features. If no feature need the routine, disable it Args: routine (:class:`pyActLearn.CASAS.stat_features.FeatureRoutineTemplate`): routine to be disabled """ if in self.routines.keys(): for feature_name in self.feature_list.keys(): if self.feature_list[feature_name].enabled: if self.feature_list[feature_name].routine == routine: logger.debug('routine %s is used by feature %s.' % (, feature_name)) return logger.debug('routine %s is disabled.' % self.routines[].enabled = False else: logger.error('routine %s not added to routine list' %
[docs] def enable_routine(self, routine): """Enable a given routine Args: routine (:class:`pyActLearn.CASAS.stat_features.FeatureRoutineTemplate`): routine to be disabled """ if in self.routines.keys(): logger.debug('routine %s is enabled.' % routine.enabled = True else: logger.error('routine %s not added to routine list' %
# endregion # region Stat Feature Management def _add_feature(self, feature): """Add Feature to feature list Args: feature (:class:`pyActlearn.CASAS.stat_features`): FeatureTemplate Object """ if in self.feature_list.keys(): logger.warning('feature: %s already existed. Add Feature Function ignored.' % else: logger.debug('Add Feature %s: %s' % (, feature.description)) self.feature_list[] = feature if feature.routine is not None: self._add_routine(feature.routine) self._assign_feature_indexes()
[docs] def disable_feature(self, feature_name): """Disable a feature Args: feature_name (:obj:`str`): Feature name. """ if feature_name in self.feature_list.keys(): logger.debug('Disable Feature %s: %s' % (feature_name, self.feature_list[feature_name]['description'])) self.feature_list[feature_name].enabled = True self.feature_list[feature_name].index = -1 self._assign_feature_indexes() if self.feature_list[feature_name].routine is not None: self.disable_routine(self.feature_list[feature_name].routine) else: logger.error('Feature %s Not Found' % feature_name)
[docs] def enable_feature(self, feature_name): """Enable a feature Args: feature_name (:obj:`str`): Feature name. """ if feature_name in self.feature_list.keys(): logger.debug('Enable Feature %s: %s' % (feature_name, self.feature_list[feature_name]['description'])) self.feature_list[feature_name].enabled = True self._assign_feature_indexes() if self.feature_list[feature_name].routine is not None: self.enable_routine(self.feature_list[feature_name].routine) else: logger.error('Feature %s Not Found' % feature_name)
def _assign_feature_indexes(self): """Assign index to features """ static_id = 0 per_sensor_id = 0 for featureLabel in self.feature_list.keys(): feature = self.feature_list[featureLabel] if feature.enabled: if feature.per_sensor: feature.index = per_sensor_id per_sensor_id += 1 else: feature.index = static_id static_id += 1 else: feature.index = -1 self.num_static_features = static_id self.num_per_sensor_features = per_sensor_id logger.debug('Finished assigning index to features. %d Static Features, %d Per Sensor Features' % (static_id, per_sensor_id)) def _update_feature_count(self): """Update feature count values """ self.num_enabled_features = 0 self.num_static_features = 0 self.num_per_sensor_features = 0 for name, feature in self.feature_list.items(): if feature.enabled: self.num_enabled_features += 1 if feature.per_sensor: self.num_per_sensor_features += 1 else: self.num_static_features += 1 def _count_feature_columns(self): """Count the size of feature columns Returns: :obj:`int`: size of feature columns """ self.num_feature_columns = 0 num_enabled_sensors = len(self.get_enabled_sensors()) for feature_name in self.feature_list.keys(): if self.feature_list[feature_name].enabled: if self.feature_list[feature_name].per_sensor: self.num_feature_columns += num_enabled_sensors else: self.num_feature_columns += 1 return self.num_feature_columns * self.events_in_window # endregion # region Segmentation def _break_by_day(self): """Find the split point of the dataset by day Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: List of indices of the event.rst at the beginning of each day """ day_index_list = [0] start_date = self.time_list[0].date() for i in range(len(self.time_list)): cur_date = self.time_list[i].date() if cur_date > start_date: day_index_list.append(i) start_date = cur_date day_index_list.append(len(self.time_list)) return day_index_list def _break_by_week(self): """Find the split point of the dataset by week Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: List of indices of the event.rst at the beginning of each week """ week_index_list = [0] start_date = self.time_list[0].date() for i in range(len(self.time_list)): cur_date = self.time_list[i].date() # Monday - then not the same day as start_date # Else, if more than 7 days apart if (cur_date.weekday() == 0 and cur_date > start_date) or (cur_date - start_date).days >= 7: week_index_list.append(i) start_date = cur_date week_index_list.append(len(self.time_list)) return week_index_list
# endregion